I asked Bobby what he remembered about his early doodle drawings.
suppose I was out of high school when I did those drawings, and if so, I
was around 17 or 18. The only thing I can remember is wanting to raise
the level of awesomeness with the band. At the time, we didn't have
shit for art, so I took it upon myself to doodle around and see what I
could come up with. In high school, I was way into comic books
and the idea of writing/drawing my very own series was a huge goal for
me. Looking back, i wish I kept up with it because by now I bet I'd be
damn good! Or completely delusional with crappy art. Who knows?
So we started the band. It was a great
opportunity to blend two loves, music and notebook doodling, and I think
it turned out pretty well. Obviously, everything was colored
in on Paintshop by you, Jimmy, making my quick and sloppy drawings into
pretty cool and slightly disturbing art pieces!
I had a weird style. I drew a lot of
inspiration for indie comics because the art seemed do-able and the
story lines clicked with me. Nothing was too over the top and there
was no way I was gonna start drawing like the top dogs! (big boobs and
burly muscles are, like, super hard to draw) So I picked my style, which
seemed to be a mix between big heads and vague, dead eyes. I liked it
'cause it purposely sloppy and somewhat appealing. I'd be lying if I
said there wasn't a certain "charm" I was going for, like Charlie Brown
with seven fingers. (I had a hard time drawing hands)
I still draw this way -- a goofy mummy and an alien with a jet pack are in my Top Go-To Doodles. I like to draw people with ripped up limbs, too, but there's only so much of that before people start questioning your sanity. Also, I remember thinking these were great! As soon as we started hiring people to whip up Calabrese art I kinda backed off a bit. If you want the best, you go to the best. You DON'T go to the 18 year old hunched over a stack of paper in a poorly lit room drawing zombies in red Chuck Taylors. Ha!”